
Another fine day – The cox – combs are still in all their glory, as are the chrysanthemums...

For a short drive with Harry & Dick. The woods are bare – the sunlight bright with scattered clouds – the southern horizon glowed with a bright halation...

The other day when I saw Arthur in the willow tree, feet resting on one pliant branch, hands gripping another, swaying up & down, wind in his hair, I suddenly thought: There! That is it – that’s what the “Cherry Tree” used to mean to me as a boy” I had forgotten!

Day opens cloudy and grey with a wind from the south.

Spent the day readying up the studio and getting some pictures ready to show the Murry’s (of Orchard Park) – who had called up last night,

A clear cool October Day – Last Sunday to Brandywine with X – [Alice was erased] A white misty day – Making fire – our meal – Up on railroad – a remote feeling...

The third of wonderfully fair October days.  My heart seems ever on the point of bursting with the beauty of this autumn.  It is a golden age. All my thoughts seemed touched with the golden atmosphere.  Such an autumn is rare...

Milt put the picture window in place today – It exceeds our fondest expectations – A joy to us...

By the time it was three o’clock and I know I had but an hour or little more of full sunlight – I made a few marks with charcoal – surely I thought, this is too complicated a subject for so short a time – but then I realized my only reward would be frustration, so I went to work determined that the whole thing must be painted in the little time allotted – no holdover so as to finish another day.