
The day opens tingle-cold and clear.

...A brief excursion into a ravine, then start for home. On the Trevett Rd, up on the hill, stop by a woods & go in. Deep twilight—the majestic gloom was at once, both awe-inspiring & frightening...

The natural effects in the country this fall are of such unusual beauty that I have the frantic feeling I had in my youth, when I felt that I simply must record everything I saw from day to day.

To church. As we drive out Clinton, we could see that the distant hills to the south were white with snow...

The sounds – what an Elysian feeling about the telegraph harp...

...Early this morning had a wonderful dream which I want to believe is the outcome of the music I heard yesterday.  I was at home and had gone up near the Three Trees...

A glorious, warm, windy & Sunny day – A.M. I started to work on frames – but the beautiful weather got “under my skin” and I decided to paint a small water–color (12 x 18) – a study of the old sunflower, & the wind & sunlight working over the backyards to the west.


Late Autumn sunlight falls aslant the side of an old house, making the putty along the window ledge glittering white...

Another chilly day. I had determined to go out to the studio on the PM but did not feel quite up to it.


P.M. sketch of view showing gable end of studio, our house & fence-row – brilliant October sunlight emotion.