
Out sketching in the “Big Woods”—  

A wonderful feeling to be out again after not having painted for so long a time —  

Yesterday I went to the Stark Depot to meet Joe & the Kaisers. While there, my attention was attracted to the sight of the thinning trees beyond the Liberty stable...

A very hot day (82° by afternoon) but mitigated by a strong S. W. wind –

Mounting the Niagara St. Picture – Studying the “New-Fallen” leaves. The latter suggested studies needed of witch-hazel bushes – So B & I to Sharp St. where a week or so ago I had seen a group of very fine ones. – A fine day to be out – 

A.M. – Got to work on the dismounting of the 1917 “In a September Meadow” which I added to, preparing to make it large. “Sparrow-hawk” picture... 

These are truly rare October days; unusual for our territory, warm sunshiny days, some without a cloud in the hazy blue sky... 

Travis + I a discussion of the ideal course of an artist, then of God and the worship of him. Later all four on the war situation.

A bright sunny morning; notes from the train windows- general appearance of fields & trees like august in our state; goldenrod abundant; a plant like goldenrod in character, though more feathery & of a silvery white color, a palm-like fern in swamps (later learned was Palmetto)

Altho the October brown is not yet here...

To early service, 

Then working on frames some – painting the small ones.