
Evening – B & I to Seneca to see “Illegal Entry” Afterwards drive to Hall Rd, park & then for walk down the road. A beautiful spot, quiet, and far away (no street lights) – Delicate graceful elms. A few Katydids, and of course, crickets.

Walk to P.O. – a beautiful moonlit night – Take Pal to backyard – the moon east of the willow tree. The long row of poplars enclosing the area east of us, gave imparted a feeling of great dignity, as tho it were some formal park. A solemn effect, I felt I ought to do something with it.

At church Rev. Neeb said a prayer had been requested for George Pratt who is critically ill in his home, (and I realized with a shock that I had promised several weeks ago to call on him – so wrapped up am I in my own affairs of painting...

A cloudless, sun-filled day – after a chilly night

In the studio – made a small replica of a large painting I made last winter with the idea of selling it at a low price, low enough to attract buyers who had little to spend. It came out well, & both B & H (who had stopped in with Peggy) thought it had everything that the large one had. 

Most of the day taking magazines (Art) from the studio attic, sorting them & wrapping them up.

B & I to early service – (World Wide Communion – why do I have a vague distaste for such mass demonstrations?) A beautiful sunshiny day –

To country S.E. of E. Aurora painting (—Best way to get there—20A—right on 98 to Johnsonburg (1.3 miles)—east on road, then 2nd road to right). A calm lean, almost cloudless day—as one gets away from lake, more & more even—almost full October color.  

Night wonderful. Moon circled with a beautiful rainbow. Moon sparkled poplar trees. As I get in bed I sit on edge + look out of window.

All trees in moonstorm haze, a glitter with silver glint.

Thin cricket chorus. Sounds like a ball in a whistle. Steady. Watch my watery poplars thru the morning. How wonderful & beautiful they are, that they pass unnoticed.