
In the Motel Saturday, as I lay awake, I got to thinking about the place Sally + Red live in...

To Hamburg for a walk, after trying in vain all morning to work. The day was bright & windy and I could not resist the thoughts of a ramble...

Fiddle around in the studio, trying out various favorite records on the Victrola phonograph.

Mid-morning showed a wonderful phenomenon of sunlight. Thru holes in the clouds the sun sent great shafts of light, and as the clouds hurried along the shafts swung around like giant searchlights..

A fine feeling to the woods, moist, wet leaves, bare trees gleaming black against the steel grey sky, with fantastic “webs” of branch groups. 

P.M. – In studio – work on the “November Sun & Goldenrod” picture of 1952 – also wrapped two drawings to send to John...

A world of white – everything covered, even to the finest wires...

Still rain & cold –In studio, studio, studio various pictures especially the Sunburst, which needs enlarging and redesigning – also studied the 1940 “December Storm"... 

Sitting in my room in the dusk surrounded by my paintings, dreaming about them, thrilled because the solution of “Country Blacksmith Shop” has just come to me – how the others finished & half-finished attain beauty & power because only dimly seen...