
A.M. in studio; worked on 1940 drawing adding a little subdued color – (Title – Windy, Winter Night). Then I tackled the Two Ravines sketch again, and finally whipped it into some sort of shape. 

I am determined to continue with my painting until it is absolutely impossible to do so.

A heavy snow – The snow is intense white. Brilliant as the sun tho the sky is gray – Shadows on the snow pale steel-gray – Houses became very intense – What color there is glows like fire...

A dream— B & I on a train going southward, as we entered Virginia it became warmer & more mellow —a drowsy Summer afternoon with golden ochre sunlight.

A mild sunny day – wandering around in backyard – longing for spring so I could redd up & make some improvements. 

Painting under the Van Rensselaer & Elk St bridge - what a joy to be working again.

"...why the gallery did not own a Hopper... “How do you feel about Hopper –”...How blind all these people are to allow a current fashion to observe their negotiation of Hopper’s greatness..."

I was in a sweat of irritation, and could hardly hold in an outburst. But I managed to, suffering an upset stomach all day.

For a walk around town about 5 P.M.  An ideal time for a town ramble is at twilight in winter—lights in houses, a few people on the streets, the snowy roofs beautifully, starkly white against the brooding leaden sky—from some chimneys, pale blue white smoke going straight up into the still air—a feeling of the whole town as belonging to me, of one big family—everyone getting supper at once—