
Late P.M. – to the Koenig (James & Catherine) opening at A.I.B – a good show. Afterwards to Quaker Bonnet for supper.

The January thaw. - Thick almost impenetrable fog - The pores of the earth seem to open and exude a chill dampness into the sodden air - The ice in the creek breaking up, but no real flood water yet..

"...The Class play is in full progress...The evening I spent up at Edith’s with Fred and Louise, where we played five hundred, drank grape juice and had a general good time."

Up fairly early (8:00) So got more work done today – Finished work on the drawing started yesterday – and worked on several others and mounted them – and started going through previously mounted ones.

Got to work on the 1920 “Day After Christmas” picture it went well – when I came out, the air was freshening – a brilliant western horizon – exciting feeling of weather change...

A mild beautiful day yesterday, with clear watery blue sky, a few white clouds and warm sunshine. Toward sunset mists gathered, and in the evening a heavy downpour of rain...

A dream, most of which evaporated with waking. Out there remains the memory of finding two pair of beautiful moths by the side of a dark green pool.

The two bird-feeders I put up (one by the picture window, and one by the studio) are proving to be a delight — 

That exciting moment when one has a meeting hour at evening with his loved one; in the spring how the buildings & trees look at such a time...

"...Afterwards, we — the usual bunch — went over to the Episcopal Church, where they were having practice and “monkeyed around” but soon went home."