
 A fine clear March-like day – B & I drive to Wyoming Village via Cowlesville & Attica. Very little snow except occasionally a few remnants on the north sides of hills...

Tolstoy: "A friend is good; but Nature is better; she is a friend whom one does not lose even in death; for when one dies he is completely reunited with her.”

Sunny and clear – quite cold – still ice on trees glistering in the sun – the fresh “bite” to winter air – thank God that I can still enjoy it.


Painting, indoors, of a studio I made last Friday of the rising sun behind Cottrill’s house, when it was only 4° above.

The fires of spring have been kindled on the southern horizon, – and will later be whipped by the late winter winds, into vast white flames that will reach to the zenith...

"These are calm peaceful days. This morning while I was looking out over dull trees and houses..."

Against the deep blue of the northern sky, the poplars, lit up by the sun were a rich yellow –

In the eastern sky the moon shining through the flaky clouds (which were patterned with rhythmic darker sky openings) was surrounded by a broad orange halo...

Continuously cold weather – close to zero every morning – More work on the 1917 picture – P.M. – asked Bertha to look at it – she liked it all except the upper left sky...

...wishing for milder weather so I can paint, I am blind to the beauty and power of this zero weather...