
Evening – the Goodman’s visit – Stimulating and interesting – the museum business in all its facets. 

One day last week we went to see Walt Disney’s new photographic essay on Nature – “Secrets of Live” – which is one of his finest, revealing many hitherto (to me), unknown facts about seeds, and the propagation of fish. Of especial beauty for me, of course was the incident of showing hepaticas pushing up out of dead leaves and growing into full bloom.

Sunlight streams from out of the glowing white South, over windswept plains spotted with glistening willows and buttonwoods, and strikes the big blocky buildings full on their sides...

The light is shifting – the sky is generally warm (yellow grey) and the difference of light and shadow on houses is more one of value than color. 

All of us to church (we are 4 again) A glorious sunshiny day –

Washingtonville a masterpiece of caricature – buildings, houses, people & site even – (The “Corner grocery” and lovers “kidding” each other)

"Cooler, windy — still above freezing — at times..."

It will not last, soon will come vague unrest, then the feeling that I have not said yet, what I can in painting if only I tried harder; and then the urge to try ever more difficult subjects.

Last night the moon hazed by snow mist, was surrounded by a weird circle, the lower half of which was lost in the density of the horizon—seeming then like a rainbow, caused by moonlight striking snow!

Morning a “foreboding” of snow — (which reminds me that recently someone asked me, why, if I loved winter so much, I referred to the “threat” of winter in late Autumn descriptions...