
In bed all day with cold — reading “God have mercy on us” which Frank [Lankes] loaned to me and has been after me to read. It is one of the best American accounts of the war and inasmuch as it was a  prize winner in a contest, it belies my contention that nothing good can be done for a prize.

Out Niagara St. to Virginia (the way I used to walk to work) down Virginia, then to foot of  Maryland – thence down canal to Georgia reveling in the warm spring-like day in spite of my cold...

Mart’s “opening”- a great success. Many people came – 8 pictures sold. 

The last two days putting in the city & distance on the Steubenville picture. 

The last two days putting in the city & distance on the Steubenville picture. 

The sky a heavy oppressive yellow. Smoke a heavy dull blue pours upward with difficulty into the thick air, and collects in a long flat cloud at a certain height...

"All day on the “Fading Winter Sun”..."

Four weeks from today – the first day of spring (so called) – But spring is already in evidence. The cardinal was singing again this morning – altho the sky is lightly overcast, the southern horizon glows with yellow – Even industrial sounds are different.

I wanted to renew my impression of “Old Houses in Winter” preparatory to reframing & retouching it – I found the house on the right gone, and part of the other one torn down. I spent the morning wandering all around thru this neighborhood, and then walked downtown. 

Day of Rains & S.W. wind – A dirt odor – Night – terrific rain gusts – at eleven – the moonlight sifts evilly thru the ragged rifts – wind at one side...