
Late afternoon – walk out by the railroad – a glorious walk. I feel good physically, and walk with energy & enjoyment. 

 - a cool brisk wind – the morning sunlight – a little reddish brown bird – a warbler, sitting in a willow tree – singing madly. 

To bank – & market & Heil Brass (for art’s pedal) – also to see “Yankee Doodle Dandy” again – which I enjoy even more than first time...

"...a robin sings clear and strong – I see him at last, topping a maple, orange breast facing the frost on the shadow side of minute tufts like mild waves..."

Still cloudy, and wet snow at times, only today the flakes are large, and fall to earth in exactly the manner of the globes we used to have as children, with a little church or house and the tree

The air is full of silver haze born perhaps of the moment when the sun’s first thin gold struck the frost whitened grass; the sky is whispy; there is no wind blowing, yet there seems a sense of irresistible movement as the sun slowly advances upward. 

More work on the Salem picture. All of us but M &A to church.  The Lenten hymn “Go to Dark Gethsemane” which reminds me strongly of the opening phrases of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture...

A dream last night, the only remnants of which are left, are a quarter moon reflected in a little stream running thru a village, on a hot August night –

A bitterly cold day, with a strong south west wind and occasional flurries of snow. P.M. To harbor. Cold almost unendurable - the wind off the lake was like ice.

"...All day the snow was so bright we could not look at it with open eyes..."