
A dream— Near Salem, east of it (tho nothing like it actually) a vast open field—Bertha & Jimmy Hilgendorf at the other end. I could hear red—birds singing—High in the sky the moon “3/4” full...

"A deadening hot day...splendid moon..."

A.M. put in the hepaticas; I had eagerly anticipated this, but found it hard work on account of the emphysema which constricted my chest –

Sunny but cold – / The daffodils and hyacinth are in their first full splendor. / Dwarf white and purple violets are packed with bloom – / After a “season” of not showing up, all sorts of birds were at the studio feeder today – 

All day on “Hemlock Woods”—my chief interest and pleasure was putting in the dead leaves in the foreground. As soon as all the additions are filled in, new problems arise.

After lunch south to study of the road & houses, etc.—in soft shiny sunlight. All afternoon.

Spring has adorned with bewildering rapidity – a film of green is coming over the trees, and the wild flower garden is rapidly coming into full bloom.

Big morning – shower in night – great romantic sky – big, rounded thunder heads rich pale orange yellow in sun – fore-glow; Sun lights up clouds masses shortly after a heavy driving white shower...

"...butterflies dancing up over treetops in the golden sun-hazed air – blue trees..."

Jaded and tired from last night’s party –