
A Brisk windy morning [wind] increased, windy day Clouds come — flat bottoms & big rolling tops sunlit — black houses up against —

Cold—freezing—snowing all day—In studio—working on “Good Friday Mood” with great gusto and assurance. A bitter mood. (I think I shall give it a non-committal title such as “April Mood”—)

I always feel that I am not up to this miracle, that something is holding me back, to keep me from realizing it as fully as I should.

Working on Snow fence, writing letters & studying pictures, principally the “Good Friday Mood"

A cold night, a heavy frost. For my birthday, Bertha brought in a tiny bouquet of hepatica buds. Almost at once they started to open. They are still fresh and wide-open, beautiful beyond description...

"Sunshot morning...Lacy elms against the sky..."

A bright sunny day with just enough coolness to make it bracing –

9:00 To Bedford Glens with H & J.  On car rainy wind blowing in windows – startling ochre glow above milky blue woods – / At Glens – blue wooded hill gleaming thru perpendicular trees like a lake –

I was out one day for a short stroll in the backyard- & a peek into the studio. Almost as if for me especially, a songsparrow sang several times, a thrill...

Returning from school, the brilliant morning sunshine flooding the trees which front me, I think how the day should be spent afield. Again to I long for absolute solitude.