
The sunsets at this season are romantic – to see long blue green shadows stretching out to yellow remotely sunlit distances to go live in another world...

Working on a drawing for “Lightning Bugs” based on memories of “frog legging” along the Little Beaver in June, and after studying my 1915 notes –

Awake at 5:00 – weird yellow salmon cloud rhythms in sky – To Three trees – Sun boils forth yellow in a streaked drab sky – Meadowlarks silvery notes ascend with the light...

A still-warm June day, more in keeping with the solstice season...

Far walk with F— this P.M. A windy sunshiney weather after a rainy night — we have become congenial companions — I felt that I saw nature with an innocent eye today — The cold wind blew up the odor of clover from sunlit meadows...

P.M.  Sketching in valley of Buffalo Creek by Winspear Rd. An afternoon so full of infinite joy and beauty that it seems a desecration almost to try to write about it. Low-flying loose misty clouds sweep endlessly out of the northeast, driven by a cool wind that was like a rarefied cold–shower...

It is raining - how truly divine is such an event in June - everything bespeaks the presence of God...

Days of warm sunshine and cold lights and mornings. The June sky-deep clear sky and painfully bright white clouds-wispy creations...

A splendid terrific downpour of rain at early morning – later wind comes overturns the white sides of trees – clouds move in layers. Cool wind. Clear night... 

Evening To Three Trees to see sunset – red orange glow in a stormy sky – As I watched a wonderful thing happened – As I sketched, ideas for paintings slowly evolved in my mind until all at once I realized the power of the whole thing...