
A restless night, tortured by all manner of remorse, regrets, about my work and life in general...

A.M. Take B to chiro. for treatment. Have a rigorous but friendly argument with Hanson over the political situations, from which I came in a pleasant glow.

Sent for Bach records this A.M. using the check they returned from the Sibelius default...

A dark, sombre day; cooler, and a fine wind-driven misty rain at intervals. Feathery, ragged tops of young elms black green against the sky. Such days seem more intimate somehow...

The season reading & speculation on the divinity of Christ full of agony and exasperation, alternating exaltation and despair as it was, culminated in a trip to Rev Neeb’s home in E. Aurora, where I told him as well as I could of my whole experience in the matter...

To relax, I stretched out on the hot turf – How good the burning sun seemed, what joy to stretch and roll, to feel the warm good earth against my body. I felt perfectly happy and contented...

To be alive – to be a member of the human race – to belong to a people that has passions...


Out Route 5, thru the dreary industrial barrens of Lackawanna. We did not feel really on our way until past Woodlawn. A trip like this made “against time” has the elusive quality of a dream—most of it is forgotten and only snitches of impressions come back later...

My right hand, which had been bitten the hardest, swelled up last night and is still swollen this morning. It itches + burns and is very uncomfortable...

Yesterday afternoon I saw maple seeds whirling in the wind & rains jagged with them...

A Booming June day — not a cloud — Late afternoon Daniels & I thru Little Italy up on bluff — beauty of city — little lake —