
Get out the Wheat Field & Maple to study it...

Tolstoi has said that to find God was to lose oneself in the joy of his work... 

To the country south of Java Village sketching:

A fine windy day, with deep blue sky and an infinite variety of rain & cumulus clouds...

Today too hot to stir about—go for a walk in the evening up in the fields—the sun just about to touch the horizon... 

I had a dream last night and got a glimpse of that strange world that seems a memory of
childhood’s impressions partly, and partly something that I never have experienced...

Rather numb from my experience yesterday [painting a clover field]—but I wish I could prolong and expand such moments. How I long to break the confinement of my adulthood, and get back to the innocent wonder of childhood...

Up late, but determined to go out painting nevertheless. To the country east of Strykersville...

Shopping in Buffalo, and car serviced – I see pictures everywhere, but none materialize... 

John [Clancy] called– Bertha talked to him- It was about the “Gateway to September” and “Northwoods Mood”- Several people interested in buying the former– One of them Fleischman who said he “thought it had been reserved for him”...

The day spent in cleaning up the yard, mowing the grass, scrubbing out the “pavilion"...