
A day of little jobs – Demounted “Song to Morning” and “Cicada Woods” for remounting...

Rain — cool wind from the N.E.

I held a barn-swallow in the palm of my hand — what a thrill! It had been hit by a car, and lay struggling feebly on the road. It struggled some more when I picked it up, but then lay still on its back, feet down into its belly, eyes full of fear...

To see, in the upturned face of a child-directed toward oneself, a look of complete trust, liking and admiration is to me one of the finest and at the same time most disconcerting experiences...

Tall trees standing motionless with flat green shadows -, there is a film over the sun, and the air takes on a hazy brassy appearance...

A blue-skied calm day— White morning— such a morning which calls to mind phoebe birds— as I remember one summer night spent in the woods when at three o’clock, a million phoebes commenced to call at once.  It is one of the mornings that will live with me all my life...

To Springville Country for studies of maple trees for my July picture - A row of grand old maples extending from the Genesee Sibley Road junction southward for several miles. Sometimes on both sides of the road...

A dappled rain-imminent day – the sky moved in patches, and at times the sun caught the open spaces and lit up the earth with pale light...

How the hot noon sun pours down on the glaring crimson roses. A heat withered leaf falling in a sunhazed forest – 

A wild windy day after the stormy night – Day dawns clear & cold with a stiff wind - soon come windy day clouds in first white, later with cold blue bases & booming white tops –

To Bentley’s on picnic – wind waves in hay, - irresistible – wind shattered trees becoming black against the blue & white sky -

Arise at 4:00 in anticipation of a fishing trip...