
Partly cloudy and muggy. P.M. – A hasty sketch from the back of our lot (back of the pavilion) looking S.W. - Done to work out the heat-wave mirage idea, which I want to include in the “Drought Sun” picture.

To Zimmerman Road—; A brilliant day after a cold morning...

To the country around Lake Ontario sketching – (Planning later on to stop by and see Sally, and tell her of the visit of Mary & Dick & M.F.).

To country below Dayton (on 18) – painting of an old Gothic House I had seen last August – with heat & insect rhythms 

A loose day – occasionally the sun slanted forth – At evening, the whole sky became a lurid yellow – the whole earth was lit up shortly after a heavy downpour of rain fell out of the sky –

I have a momentary feeling of peace tonight – tomorrow in the depths no doubt –

I enjoyed getting away from myself, and the sight of strange country...

Last evening an unusual cloud phenomenon- (similar to the cloud effects of that rhapsodic year of 1915, when I was continually overwhelmed by the power and beauty of the heavens)- a long narrow mass of heavy cumulus clouds extending from the west to the east, dividing the sky almost into two equal parts...

Afternoon & evening spent at Beech Camping Grounds.

Hank over to see us. B & I want them to go slow; but they are anxious to get married at once...