
Very dark, low-hanging soggy sky, intermittent misty shivers. Oppressive...

A path grows more interesting in August; more worn and used-looking, and the bleached grasses fringing its borders give it an ancient look...

A feeling of loneliness and being lost in a woods. (Later we learned a wounded bear was roaming in this very ravine the same night)

We sat out and watched the sunset. Birds are beginning to assemble in flocks...


Last night’s meager sprinkle abated the drought none. Today the heat is intensified and the broiling of the earth is continued...

AM – Letters from Louise & Mrs. Ellers.

P.M – in studio making drawings on the new portion of “Cicada Woods”– it begins to grow in interest & power– I am getting excited about it...


To the North Otto Grange Hall painting – We took food for both noon and evening, as I expected to work up to 6:00 or later (the lighting was not right on the tree I wanted to paint until mid-afternoon...

P.M- In studio working in the “Fantasy of Heat” making many corrections – It functions better now.

Hot and humid—all at once. All verdure has the coppery bronze look of August...

Downtown to tailors—then uphill to 5th St & 8th Ave. Interesting views—looking right down on the tops of homes (street so steep that only one house in a block. (Stairs leading from one street to another)...