
As a high school senior, I was not expecting to do anything like the projects I was assigned to. I had been expecting to be doing minimally important work, but instead I received projects which kept me engaged and stretched me as well as teaching me different tasks that I had no idea even happened behind the scenes in a museum. 

Piercy reads her poetry at Burchfield Penney on Tuesday, March 3.

Burchfield Penney biennial exhibition established by Sylvia and Nathan Rosen showcases the best in techniques, materials, style, expertise and ability. Call for entries deadline Friday, May 29, 2015.

Read about one writer's visit to the Burchfield Penney!

The Burchfield Penney joins Kleinhans Music Hall, and  the Albright-Knox Art Gallery to celebrate Finnish Influences on Literature, Architecture, Design, and Education 

Bill Kauffman is the author of ten books, among them Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette and Ain’t My America.

The Burchfield Penney Art Center is a place we have been wanting to visit for a long time. Home to the largest collection of paintings by Charles Burchfield, they had a special exhibit on of his landscapes, many of them borrowed from other museums for this show. He is one of the greatest American painters of the 20th C.

This four part series explores the many facets of art collecting from the psychology of why we collect to the nuts and bolts of building and managing a personal collection. Panel discussions will include collectors, artists, museum staff and other professionals in the local art market.

Rule Setter: Paula Tognarelli, Executive Director and Curator, The Griffin Museum of Photography
Rule Breaker: Janelle Lynch