
Irish Classical Theatre's Vincent O'Neill talks about Samuel Beckett's radio play "Words and Music" which discusses which is more important in memory - words or music?  

Read Croak Meets Words and Music by Jan Jezioro.

Performing as both pianist and composer in both halves of the concert, Amy Williams discusses the importance of 20th century composers such as Elliott Carter and Morton Feldman.  

I felt painters like Hopper and Burchfield were doing something closer to what I wanted to do. But just as important their example gave me the courage to strike out on my own with my paintings. 

Tomorrow marks four years since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown, but the resulting radiation still lingers on in the bodies, land, and minds of those affected. The disaster soldiered on for artist Phillip Stearns, too, when he designed A Chandelier for One of Many Possible Ends, a room-sized chandelier made from Geiger counters and flickering LEDs.

Robert Lax was a poet, a pilgrim and a priest of sorts. He lived the last half of his life as a hermit. He wrote incessantly, filling notebooks and generously fulfilling correspondences. Yet his poetry, a powerful distillate, uses very few words.

"This is not a hodoscope. It’s a chandelier," writes Brian Benchoff.

Nancy Weekly responds to a question posed by Charles Burchfield's granddaughter Peggy Haug.