
The fires of spring have been kindled on the southern horizon, – and will later be whipped by the late winter winds, into vast white flames that will reach to the zenith...

Edna Lindemann called while I was gone. Bertha still talking to her when I returned, and then I talked— They have a list of 44 pictures they want to invite— The Inaugural is set for April 24...

It is unwise to destroy a picture thru a whim – the whim may seem wise for 5 or even 10 years – but the time comes when we regret the destruction because now we know how we could use that same picture as a starting paint in something better...

A walk at 10 P.M. along the railroad.; These powerful locomotives represent the spirit of the age – and I thought how strange it was that what an age is absorbed in should be this particular thing; the world did without Industrialism once...

A nice note from Mrs. Mitchell saying she would like to have the early 1916 sunflowers & would like to try it in her home... 

The second of wonderful winter days. IT has been snowing since the morning of the 19th — then great square shaped soggy lumps from the east; developed gradually by today in a thick shower of feathery bunches of star-flakes. Today was a fairy day. — the nature of the storm brought a smile from the walker – so light and buoyant, they had the character of sunlight; falling so softly, (there was scarce a wind) they rested on the tree’s branches like careful butterflies; they evaded the down coming foot and flew aside in tiny gusts...

The January thaw. - Thick almost impenetrable fog - The pores of the earth seem to open and exude a chill dampness into the sodden air...

...a big wind out of SW; a fine snow, it blows from roofs; at times base of building us lost; it is a day on which we see sparrows in swooping flight & hear coal being put in cellars; - sour yellows & browns come out intensely on houses, all markings on snow are grey; the sky is yellow grey; distant object[s] seem to huddle with a blurred edge - Cracks & grain in wood very distinct...

The first “Spring Day” – Midmorning - the houses & buildings have a rich warm look, and face the south with an expectant look – the roadway is soon full of slush...