
A.M. – got the lithograph stone art, made tracing of “Crows in March” and transferred it to stone. 

Letter from John C. – Dallas has bought “Street-Scene” and the Nat’l Academy “Still-Life in Winter” – 

Temperature around freezing, not much wind, a misty gray sky – a feeling of brooding – rumbling seems to come from the earth in all directions – starlings, with their “mimicking” calls, imitate the sounds of spring birds.
In the studio; put a temporary varnish on the new parts of the oil; mounted some paper...

Painting under the Van Rensaeller & Elk St bridge - what a joy to be working again.

The brilliant star of February has risen in the Southeast...

A Springlike day – There is the inexpressible haunting feeling in today that belongs to Spring; the soul is torn between sweet reverie & unknown desires – the wanderlust is born on such days...

Friday night on the trip home. Youngstown Bertha & Martin meet me – the trip to Salem. The strangeness of my room which knows me no longer. There is a sadness about the familiarity of old scenes...

Colder in the night—alternate feathering snow flurries and sunshine all day long...

Tolstoy: A friend is good; but Nature is better; She is a friend whom one does not lose even in death; for when one dies, he is completely reunited with her...

A sun-dazzled morning. Dripping of lengthening icicles...