
– when the sun leaps forth from behind the great masses of snow-cloud, the frosted windows blaze forth like great blinding rectangular suns.  

A stormy blustery day—snowing.
Working in studio on a small 1920 reconstructed picture.

About 2 or 3 inches of snow fell—fine & powdery. A beautiful winter world, the sun shining powerfully from a misty sky. The air still & mild. Letter from Moe—the jury meeting is set for Mar. 11 & 12. 

At Post’s Clover Field, looking out over the scene stretching before me, I noticed that a blue haze filled the distant objects almost invisible. I found I was following my own trail of that Sunday before. 

Very cold — (+5◦) — a clear brilliant day — Both of us up at 7:00 — before the sun came up, white vapors arising from the creek — collecting on the trees and bushes in the form of white frost...

I have arrived at the point in my work, where I can look ahead and see what I must begin to learn; so far I have been deluding myself - now I must begin to study.

A beautiful sunny shining-like day...

A lowery day – Dawn sky with cold blue rifts –

A looseness in atmosphere; slushy snow, a brooding over the town; train bells ringing –