
When I awoke (about 7:00) I saw that the creek was flush* with the “island” and full of small chunks of ice — moving at a tempestuous rate — The sun was shining, and the sky a clear blue, with only a few scattered clouds — A strong southwest wind...

Letter from Theodore Noehren who, with Maddie, is spending six months in Finland as an exchange professor on a Fulbright Grant. He said Finland was all they had hoped for. He was all “steamed up” on the idea of a show of my work in Finland. He had already talked about it with somebody connected with the university there. While I have never aspired to be a world artist, I have nevertheless thought I would like to have my work shown in the Scandinavian countries.

A blizzard that rages all day, the snow wet and heavy. Building “laboratory” for Art’s chemical experiments.

It seems that today is a day for sounds. A few moments ago I heard someone beating a carpet. Perhaps they are a little premature in their vernal house-cleaning, but that does not rob the sound of its expressiveness...

I think that Earth receives no gift so precious as this flood of March fire that leaps forward out of the South, and spreads in brilliant flashes over the land, causing the saplings to bristle, and the blood of boys and men to quicken. 

Cold rainy day with some wind from the S.W. I had planned to put the “Backyard in November” in its frame and ship it to Budsworth, but I was unsuccessful in cutting a glass I had, and was unable to obtain glass at the city line, so I gave it up,—

Heavy snowstorm from the N.E. beginning just before dawn. B & I to Sally’s to help them move.