
This was the coldest day of the winter...

The most uncouth youth on a blue-sky day in March, thru the heat of his quickening blood, attains a sort of unaccustomed glory.

The morning sun up full and strong – a robin in the poplar tree just outside the window...

I walk out Sycamore, then Clinton and then Eagle – studying snow effects...

A.M. puttering to the studio, arranging my notes for the oil I am working on into some sort of order...

A bitterly cold day, with a strong south west wind and occasional flurries of snow. P.M. To harbor. Cold almost unendurable - the wind off the lake was like ice.

The first warm dusty day that has swept out of the Southwest; the sun in the morning had the peculiar gold effect that comes only in the early spring; and at evening there is the surprise of Maple trees in bloom.