
Over the wet country road - Dawn; how the morning star pales; the moonlight loses ground– a bird commences to sing; it is like a combination of the meadowlark & bobolink— 

Intensive work on frames – some good help from Hank who had a week’s vacation. He helped me one day to make four large frames, and on another day he made three packing boxes. It is always a pleasure to be working with wood, in the air and wind and Fall sunshine.

Preparing for spring planting in the fall is essentially an act of faith- it presupposes that spring will indeed come again, and when it does come, that it will be worthwhile to plant things. 

B & I to Arcade and Route 98. Another fine day, clear and warm. Autumn colors at their fullest. Walking around in Arcade, observing odd houses, and tree effects – the people are very friendly. 

A cold, cloudless day—strong S. W. wind—a glorious day.  Working on frames.

(Letter from C. she is homesick).

A walk across the backyards to East Ave searching for Pal.—windblown asters by the great willow.)

P.M. To Loblaws (in preparation for M.A.’s visit Sunday).

I am not observing nature very closely; my mind is occupied with thoughts of finances & returning to school. My ideas for “pictures” come from within.

To Genesee Rd (via Holland & the new cut-off on 16) sketching– about 3 or 4 miles west of Sardinia.   

A warm clear sunshiny day, with a S.W. wind. Butterflies, grasshoppers & crickets –