
A.M. Unpacking the box from Rehn’s – 

P.M. – rearranging the material in the trunk of the car, putting the tire back on the shelf where it originally had been –

B & I to Hamburg Hotel for dinner – on the way the ring around the Sun – and delicate “sand-ripple” skies – ideas for my “November”

Evening—Rowe came first, then Blair a little after—Talk awhile in house, then all to studio—Looking at Rowe’s pictures. He has made great studies. I liked especially his large romantic Adirondacks landscapes—

Grey smoky November – a cool morning – yellow & ochre rifts in sky that sweeps from N.W. at times silver sun in low S.E. Heavy yellow haze –

A.M. – a wonderful heavy frost – even the tops of trees coated thickly –

P.M.- To New Albany sketching

Albany — a strange combination. Its red chimneys — the noisy brook below recalling old-time before Spring sensations — a windmill’s strident squeak at regular intervals, which a hog answered by more hideous squeals from somebody’s front yard — the old childhood sensation of North — of sad late summer afternoons — afar to the purple east a train rumbles deeply –

Home in the violet dusk by the Egypt road – The Star 

The agonizing mystery of Infinity. It is impossible ever for man to comprehend it, but it is always there in the background of my life. Infinity in time and space; it is impossible to our puny minds, yet it has to be.

A sunny windy day- leaves fluttering over Cottrells’ lawn.  

At one, I dressed and we went to the South-gate Plaza. Lunch at “Your Host”, after which B did some food shopping while I waited in the car.