
A water-color (16 x 48) of the transition of Fall to Winter. – Which I have been dreaming about ever since the Art School Days. A fantasy – it came off very well. The final form came to me as I lay listening to Sunday’s concert.

Day opens cloudy and grey with a wind from the south. By noon, as I go to lunch a fine drizzle falling blown by the wind like snow. Rain all afternoon and fitful wind brushing thru the wet-glistened trees

Incredibly beautiful warm weather—nasturtiums & [morning glories] have started blooming again.

In the evening a few tree-crickets & green grasshoppers singing. B & I for stall drop in a Lefty’s new store for a sundae.

A dream – There was a heavy frost which plastered the dead plants and houses it had been grey and lowery all morning however; towards noon the sun commenced to show; the horizon sky grew intense white; I rushed to secure materials to paint.

P.M. – Sketch of Albarella’s pear tree a 21 x 30 – after the small paintings I have been making, it seems large.  

A.M. to Buffalo to have car looked at, at the Justice Shop. A little shopping, then home for lunch, & then back again to the Jury meeting at the Albright Gallery for the Patteran show in New York. A boring procedure I must confess, saved only by some of the lyric contributions of Blair & Rowe. I was infuriated by the persistence of Weiss to have me in this show as a guest artist, altho I had told him Rehn did not want me to participate on account of the Whitney show & my own in January. He wanted to borrow museum & collectors’ pieces. I got him to promise to write to Rehn first — and I wrote to Frank myself too.

(Insert here my ideas on regional art.)

(Later (Oct. 21) it no longer seems worthwhile to express my views on such a matter as regional art) —

I begin to lose sight of former days — this must be my determination — to study nature to study the figure to keep always my ideals before me.