
A mother is always surprising you. You may think she is wonderful but she is always doing something so unexpectedly loving and understanding that she is like nature — ever new.

Dark, low-hanging clouds, very humid, heavy rain at times, with a drop in temperature (56° at noon) – 

In the morning looking at the “Orion in December” This is the rare time when a picture (for the moment at least) seems to have come to a successful conclusion, and I can sit and “watch” it, reveling in it

We ate our lunch under the willow-tree ‒ having to protect ourselves from a cool northeast breeze.

Afterwards I brought the “Sparrow-hawk Weather” in to study ‒ but soon realized the there was too much wrong for a quick easy solution – Next week my attention must be given getting ready for John’s visit.

He and Violet had just arrived at Buffalo. I said “Is it congratulations?” & he said it was!

This morning, as I walked to work I saw a phosphorous like glow in the grass surrounding the shadow of my head. At evening, the hazy sun turned the telegraph wires in front of some black trees to gold. 

The Centaur —

“Watching a shadow circle an oak” —

The god-like man roams the pre-Autumnal woods pure in heart and body –

He is full of vigour –

His sexual impulses are pure; he dreams of his union with his mate under some giant chestnut tree at evening time –

Wakeful all night – fantastic dreams.