
Thus Bertha & I came out at the end of “The Christmas Carol” with streaming eyes and choked voices, feeling that we should buy gifts for everyone in sight. 

A lot of cards in the mail – it is pleasant to sit and open them –

The oak-leaf—

I don’t know when I first noticed the oakleaf in Cottrell’s yard—but I think it was during a snowstorm in early November—

Put up late yesterday, in the coffee-tree, a suet block with seeds – the red-bird visited it –

The mind has a subconscious activity that borders on direct activity — though ostensibly we refuse to think of a certain thing, & apparently we have put it down, at any cessation of direct active thinking, the other returns, completely worked out in all its details, tho at first it might have been but the germ of a thought.

A heavy snowfall in the night, and snowing steadily all day. It was light and fluffy, and there was no wind, so that everything was covered with top heavy puffs.

Big masses of ragged clouds float across vivid emerald and cerulian(sic) skies the sun fills the air with blindness; on sunny sides of houses there is a busy dripping of icicles

Brownie just before he starts on a singing bout, has a weird almost discordant sound which is like the disharmony of two violins – It expresses that elusive weirdness of nature – 

Arising sleepy, the approach of the sun awakened me with its beauty...

I thought of remote woodlands and pastures under a winter moon, and how such things seem so far away, and remote for me, and how I would love to experience again a walk in the country under such a moon—