
The January gale is abroad again today...

The “January Spring” with its exciting afterglows and smoking chimneys and wide-roaming trains has come and gone...

Eat a “Continental Breakfast” in bed listening to the radio, walk down Fifth Ave looking at windows.

Lunch at noon with Roots and a lady-friend of Mrs. Root. P.M. Davis, an upholsterer who wants to trade some furniture for some of my water-colors, in. I go to his shop at late afternoon. Evening – Dinner with Roots and Harry Yates. A good dinner & a talk in Root’s apartment afterward. Later at Harry’s invitation to a night club (International Casino). I had no desire to ever go inside a night club, but…

That exciting moment when one has a meeting hour at evening with his loved one; in the spring how the buildings & trees look at such a time –

I walked out tonight in the terrific wind – it blew out of the west sifting new sandy snow over the polished icy surface of the old snow. I am winter, cold buoyant winter tonight, without a desire, happy only to be alive and have senses.

Last night the moon hazed by snow mist, was surrounded by a wierd circle, the lower half of which was lost in the density of the horizon - seemingly then like a rainbow, caused by moonlight striking snow!

One should never cease keeping a journal. How invaluable to me now, with the present turmoil and disaster in the world, are my thoughts of those days—They bring me back to sanity

Trolley makes a big blue green star along the wire, seen thru a long screen of trees, it looks like the sun as we see it walking along a picket fence

The sun became a dull yellow glow—this is winter, a soft dissipated glow above a white landscape—the wisps were rain-bowed; the yellow glow turned crimson, was gone, the color lingered.