
As I sit here I dream — My impressions are constantly growing more & more up to my ideals –

A beautiful clear morning—the sky cloudless—warm—the quietness—a faraway train whistle. Started preliminary work on re-mounting the “Lilacs #2”...

Trying out the new paper from Bee’s – (1162 – 27 x 90) – Subject – the mock orange bush in the Albarella’s in back – It worked fairly well – reminded me of the old Dietzgen paper.

The bobolinks. Even in describing their song, the wind mingles the notes with the blue haze and sunshine and gathers dandelion seeds, sorrel pollen and scent of wild cherry bloom.

Arthur’s Birthday – we had put his presents on a chair by his bed so that he could see them when he woke up.  About four in the morning, I awoke, and saw that the light was lit in his room...

"...Once he became so enthusiastic about a sentiment I expressed, that he grasped my hand and shook it..."

Back by Sibley Rd. Stop at Swamp by R.R. for more iris. B wanders around to swamp dank with hemlocks. She returns with a few Dwarf Cornel blooms, the first I ever saw around here.

Working in yard all day, first weeding violet beds & then transplanting iris, some to along the house, and another bed along west side of studio. I took a special pleasure in the latter. Along the outer edge I planted day-flowers.

A hazy stagnant day of thunderclouds & a storm – (To Glens) – A dense fog in valley – turned yellow by sunset – Fields are full of dandelion seed heads...

P. M. to Warner Hill Rd. (South of E. Aurora) painting a cold, partly cloudy day.