
As a brewing storm loomed low in the west robins sang to the sultry noon as if it were hypatica time.

The sunsets at this season are romantic – to see long blue green shadows stretching out to yellow remotely sunlit distances is to live in another world.

A.M. By car to look at the flood havoc, at Lancaster and Cowlesville. It soon palled, and I spent a brief moment on a hilltop. It was a glorious day after the rain...

"...Silver haze all morning..."

Twilight in the city – everything seemed unusually beautiful – while we were discovering the source of an intermittent lightning effect – a man who had just come along spoke up and said “That’s the top of the Buffalo Theatre sign” – 

A powerful windy day of clouds and sunshine. Start out sketching PM – get no farther than Three Trees Territory where I am held by the clouds...

Slept until 10:00—up & feel refreshed & with renewed faith in my work. Day spent in studio going over my old diaries (1912—1914—1915)—and looking at some of my 1915 notes for pictures...

Once I noticed Russel, the groom, while dancing with his bride, lightly and tenderly kiss her on the cheek several times.

The wren has finally found a mate – we saw her going into the box with a straw in her mouth – while he swung on a branch nearby,

Does the sun still shine over misty valleys at morning?