
Trees have a lacy edge at sunset time – at twilight, they commence to thicken — 

The sun sparkled yellow thru the trees at sunset – There ought to be a love so natural that it does not hinder the artistic life – love should be merely one of the unconscious functions of life –

"A stagnant morning of weird thunderhead rhythms in the sun whitened sky..."

Most of the day on “Summer Solstice”

Readying nine pictures to go at once to the gallery (including the oil “Sunburst” (1929-31) and the oil-tempera “Late Autumn [Afternoon] Twilight 1920 (original version of “November Evening”) which John intends having re-conditioned by a professional restorer.

Evening to Three Trees to sketch – Sun a soft white glow in a wonderful white glow in a wonderful wispy sky – from across illimitable spaces comes the call of a mourning-dove – the air is calm...

To Springville Country for studies of maple trees for my July picture - A row of grand old maples extending from the Genesee Sibley Road junction southward for several miles.

My mind feeds on the poetry of past events –

A calm clear blue sky – day – a few white clouds – I saw swallows bow-shaped black atoms - skimming in the remote sky – I have a feeling of lost poetry –

"...soon come windy day clouds in first white, later with cold blue bases & booming white tops...wind waves in hay..."