
I long for old half-forgotten moods— For endless summer days—spent in the Ohio hills – for the July days of 1918 spent in the hill country south of Salem—

The “heat wave” continues unabated. Lunch at the Lodge, where the air-conditioning was delightful. P.M. — Sketch from the walnut grove — of the sun high in the sky, with tall phantom clouds...

At 6:00 – A walk to the Dutchman’s – Sunburst under long bank of Clouds – Down Painter road which is lit up with romantic orange.

P.M. Hank & Mart take C [Catherine] – S [Sally] & M.A. [Mary Alice] to beach. B [Bertha] & I out for drive at late afternoon – south to Glenwood & west to Boston, home on Cole Rd.

A wren sang to a Dappled Dawn – I am terrified that I view nature with such lassitud...

"...I took a walk after sunset tonight along country roads..."

She fixed two of her drinks (which we call Big Berthas to tease her) consisting of a shot of whiskey, orange juice, and ginger ale with ice, very good –

Last night in the Half sleep, Imagined I had gone in the boat to a corner of the lake (I had been there in the morning.) All at once strange hideous shapes loomed out of the trees; first grinning evil faces, then gigantic slimy gorillas with long clutching arms; I turned my boat; the water became inky black, covered with a thick heavy green scum like on a sore; out of the water came ghastly crouching things; which once might have been bullfrogs; the air grey dark; the waters parted to a bottomless black pit; — I then regain consciousness and fell asleep—

In spite of all had a good night — (Prep on the sunburn and aspirin did the trick!) But postponed my visit to Dr. A. until tomorrow morning...

A fresh brilliantly clear day – a cool east wind. It tips the top branches of trees, which catch the early sunlight, forming pale yellowish green tops against the sky.