
A walk south eastwards in woods along Y & O, & near Bozzert’s Dam. This territory always comes before my eyes on hearing a freight whistle on misty mornings.

A walk along country roads – Bathing in creek – Powerful thunderheads – Storms arise at sunset time on all sides. 

P.M. Earl Siegfred & daughter Suzanne stop by [a] short visit – Brought back the “Swamp Music” picture.

A mysterious dark day – with a raw damp wind straight from the north – Finish work on the Hollows picture...

"...Black sunflowers against the moon." 

A soft delightful morning, with a strangely beautiful golden sunshine out of a misty sky. The golden quality of the light has the characteristic of sunlight on a thaw day in late February...

Preliminary studies of house & sled I want to put in a sketch (made north of Bennington Center Dec. 1945)—as a greeting card; a Christmas tree to be in the sled.

P.M.- Dr. and Mrs. Braasch’s visit. Very enjoyable & stimulating- Some time ago he had written he wanted to see the Sweet Pea Mood (1917) again...

A.M. cleared out Studio and set out all the pictures we had picked out for framing—then called B out & we went over them. Two “fell” out almost at once—the one of the Sept. sun of last year, and the Songsparrow of this year.

The future to me is one full of a colossal amount of hard work & happiness. All I need is leisure.