
A lowering sky – a flock of gulls hovering over the town working on frames – raw & cold.

Sometimes I wonder at the Multitude of Ideas I gather — does profusion breed Confusion? I think rather it is like the prolific quality of Nature, who scatters seed in such great quantities...

"A day of great wind & atmosphere..."

The trees now have lost some leaves enough to reveal entirely the trunk & branches, retaining enough to keep the big foliage silhouette – they look like gigantic jagged leaves...

Framing and packing “Glory of Spring” for the P.A. show. –

Cold nights- A.M. B & I selecting pictures to put in frames. It is a difficult job. P.M. we went to Buffalo shopping-  I to get materials and B to get a present for Emma...

The happiest moment contains in its womb the germ of the most morbid one. 

 Called the Gen. P. F. Co. to see if they would pack my pictures this week—they said they would. Called Trucking companies. Finally the Red Star Express said they would take them...

Sunny and windy – I decided to work on frames – It wonderful working in the sun and wind – at times showers would chase me indoors – The plaintive, wind-blown calls of gold finches –

I have become acquainted with Maurice de Guerin. This “The Centaur” & “Bacchante.” His existence is a rare poetical thing — a flash like a butterfly darting past a window...