
"...A light seen at a distance in the black depths of a grove – the outside trees are not quite black..."

B & I to market for more peaches & tomatoes. In studio measuring frames for glass. Hot & humid. P.M. B & I to Buffalo. To Bank; and to get glass...

Put “September Vista” in a frame and Art & I take it to Art Institute. 

Working again on the Genesee St. Bldg. (This picture still lacks a little.)—The work went pretty well, but this is still a sort of confusion in the lower right hand side...

On the way home from church (Elma) a terrific down-pour, a real “cloud-burst” – we could hardly see the sky seemed literally to “sag” down to the ground, weighted with water, and a deep Twilight spread over the land.

All day on a water color started long ago (1935) in the Buffalo Creek Flats, when I was working on Black Iron.

To Picture Show – a short piece, called I think, The Romance of Gears, [“Mechanical Principles” by Ralph Steiner] consisting of close-up enlarged pictures of all manner of gears in action...

"...Sunday evening at dusk I saw a flock of blackbirds flying across the fields..."

Played the Sibelius Third tonight. In the latter part of the last movement, when he gets such a terrific bedlam going, (when you feel that gigantic forces of nature are engaged in a death struggle)...

Worked all day on the “G. S. B.” [Genesee St. Building] Picture – at the end B said it did not come up to my “standard” for such pictures — and I could see she was right. The interest is too general — I felt discouraged.