
Along Ellsworth Rd. sketching – I entered the strange woods. It was like a climax in music...

A.M. to Ebenezer to sketch ice-formations on cliff...

Ground, trees, & bushes heavily covered with snow (about a 4 inch fall) – the day cold and blistery, as in Mid-country. In put it seems more like a day in February... 

A white frosty morning – the sun comes over endless stretches of white hills to the east – a song sparrow sings! (sketch)...

Dreamt last night our house was situated in a marsh-like place – I was younger / I went down under the house. Here it seemed as if I was viewing the cellar as it was before the new part of the house was added on...

The Richters over for a little party— Mart & Hank’s gift, Alice in Wonderland etc—a more complete edition of John Tenniel’s illustrations...

Cloudy, a chilly S.W. Wind —

A.M. — Towards E.A. on Seneca street to make studies of a fallen tree...

I ought to thank God that this flood of ideas continues unabated at the beginning of my 69th year...

The wildness of the day filled me with happiness. I was happy that I can still work with gusto under such trying conditions.

Heavy rains. Wonderfully mild air—the whole earth opening up—*one flash of lightning—thunder—a fine primeval sound—the creek swollen with swirling ochre water.