
Saturday, Arthur & I went alone to my “Trillium Woods” south-east of Hamburg.  It was truly a “red-letter” day for me, and I hope for him. I had long looked forward to just such a trip as this, that I would take with my boy; from the time he was a helpless baby I thought of the time when he could tramp with me in the woods. And he measured up to my highest expectations, entering into and enjoying hugely all the little things I hoped he would.

To Zoar Valley Rd. sketching—A clear warm day—Took along the 1917 enlargement in which I wanted to use rail fence. My attempt to draw the fence is unsuccessful due both to the wrong light and to the fact that I had not digested the idea...

B & I to the “Great Woods”—A fine day...

Big morning – shower in night – great romantic sky – big rounded thunder heads rich pale OY in sun – fore-glow; Sun lights up clouds...

The beauty of hepaticas is almost agony – The exquisite shades of soft pink, lavender, and richer red-purple and blue violet, surrounded by the soft downy sepals & stems, have a fragile loveliness, among the harsh dry leaves of winter that evoke wistfully sad reveries...

All day in studio on the new picture – I had hoped to start the actual painting – but the whole day spent in completing and correcting my drawing. It is good to be working on a large-scale more thoughtful composition again- one that requires time and endless studies...

Stagnant oppressive morning – objects to east vibrate in a haze – black haze over the sun

To the “Big Woods” – Morning cloudy & with rain at times – cool...

Day spent in working in the garden. A beautiful warm sunshiny day. I dug up, thinned and replanted the rhubarb. Also the bleeding heart which I discovered rotten and worm eaten. Put in the hepaticas, and did some redding up. I am completely devoid of any life or even thoughts about painting – this from my effort yesterday.

Out painting. Altho it is a fine day, cool & sunny, I cannot get into the mood for painting. Having in mind a special idea, I cannot find the right scene as a vehicle for carrying it out.