
Rev. Neil announced in church today that Tony Schweichart had died at 9:30 (It was Tony who first told me of the existence of ...

Dark & raining—but what a glorious thing a spring rain is. It is easy to imagine that the sounds of growing things can be heard...

A cold day – High wind out of SW – blue bottomed ochre clouds before sunrise – dandelion greens –

I have grown restive under the self-imposed regime of last Summer & Fall and this Winter – That is: working almost entirely from memory or imagination I feel the need of getting out and working in the outdoors – not copying Nature of course, but improvising and being influenced by nature, and the kind of day, etc.  After all “Cicada Song in September” could not have been painted indoors; it was an improvisation on the mood of the moment, weather season and particular spot...

I am feeling boundlessly happy – I can laugh at my morbid entry of several days ago – yet I feel so inanely joyous that I feel sure I must pay for it later...

A heavy fog at morning – Green lawns blend to light blue mists – Cleared by noon – Bright sunlight – A strong blue atmosphere; objects in middle-ground a distinct flat blue...

Most of day in studio on “hollows” picture, with not much success... 

out the lake road to Pleasant avenue to see the dog-toothed violets — In countless numbers — also a find a small colony at the base of a large tree, of spring-beauties. Most of them the deep pink variety — We agreed they were second only to hepaticas as “the” flower of spring...

Working in the yard. A clear sunshiny day, with a cool wind from the north...