
In studio — studying the picture of yesterday [“the reconstructed 1917 sketch of McCanty’s Barn”] and marveling at the nerve I had to use so much yellow all thru the picture. It is like the blinding glory of the golden gates of Paradise.

I had great difficulty choosing a subject but finally settled on a huge old hemlock. Encumbered as I was with my preconceived idea, I made many false starts; eventually I had to abandon the start & take a new sheet – By now I was beginning to see the true possibilities of the subject. I add a clump of red trillium to the scene –

To Letchworth Park- A warm, drowsy day, with clear blue sky spotted with soft white clouds.

Parks, which have been set aside because they comprise natural wonders, and imposing views, are hopelessly banal... 

Dark and raining – a wonderful spring rain – 

A.M. – mounted some drawings. 

P.M. – Sketch from the studio porch of a budding peach tree and a stormy sky, putting into it all I could of brilliant colors and the drama of the miracle of spring. 

All day on “Hemlock Woods”—my chief interest and pleasure was putting in the dead leaves in the foreground. As soon as all the additions are filled in, new problems arise. 

While on a hill, a pair of blue-birds came and perched on some fence-posts near me. The rich, incredible heavenly blue of the male – I cannot put into words the feeling it gave me.

Crimson sun in the heavy rainbow haze – in the dense blue haze all trees seem dripping with rain – in a single night buckeye buds have burst and the leaves unfolding and poplar catkins, glowing red have stretched out and sway in the wind — filmy elusive green haze in the trees —

While working in Life this morning, I suddenly thought of all the dreams I have ever had of wildflowers and unseen woods; and a great longing came over me to be able to live in such a dreamworld meeting no other being; & I became so oblivious to my surroundings and self that I grew dizzy.