
We had the mushrooms last night for supper and sick & vomited in the night as last year.

Yesterday a trip with Jim and Jim Groner after frogs.

It is our first anniversary – a short year ago, Bertha & I joined hands for the rest of our lives. It fills me full of wonderful peace & gladness that my feeling towards her is no different than on our wedding day, no different than on the day when in her home by the sink when we joined hands & I felt the emotion of lover sweep over me, how I felt ashamed and bashful, and regarded her with so much reverence that I could not look at her long.

moon shot – black vigorous tree patterns – a cool brisk wind – the sky moves along rapidly –

A white sunlit morning – a cool damp rainy wind – grey clouds soft blending layers – rain comes – sky turns a rich med-violet – Trees flat & fall into planes of flat greens with ultramarine trunks.

Noon – yellow + green - dirt + woods

                A vivid clear day sunlight white & blinding shadows are very sharp & dark blue black; dandelions hurt the eyes –

The sight of peach buds affects me in a manner I cannot quite describe – almost worshipful, as if I were in the presence of some divine miracle. And at the same time there is with is a certain nostalgic melancholy.

 A briskly cool brilliant day - at noon walk up Maryland – 

It is May! The buckeye trees are almost fully out, and hang loosely with great masses of vivid emerald foliage –