
It was a great delight to me that not only were Vi & Art fond of the same music we were, but were introducing us to a new composer- I doubt if I would have investigated Orff on my own initiative

A powerful clear day – no cloud – An aimless day 

10:00 P.M- At sight of yellow misty moon I go for walk down painter road – light wind sweeping up over moon twinkled poplars – 

John called- Bertha talked to him- It was about the “Gateway to September” and “Northwoods Mood”

The longest day of the year. From now will begin the decline. Thunderstorms rage all night.

I headed towards the spot where several years ago (1948, I think) I painted “Wind–Blown Hay” – and spent such a delightful day – It is reached by Route 78 to the Y in the road just beyond Java Village, taking the right hand fork, to a “Corners” a few miles beyond, & then turning East. 

Up at 9:00 – A cool wind grey sky – feeling of subdued sunshine flooding the earth - oriole sings powerfully – robins & wrens – 

Booming white thunderheads at noon – Cool wind –