
At times I read slowly from Thoreau’s Walden. I bless the chance that sent the book into my hands. It had always been my intention to read it, but like most good resolutions, it was put off.

Worked some each afternoon of Tues, Wed. & Thurs, on the “July Sun & Wheat” (I must get a better title) bringing it pretty well to a conclusion.  

At 6:00 – A walk to the Dutchman’s – Sunburst under long bank of clouds – Down Painter road which is lit up with romantic orange – To see sunlit Dutchman’s from shadowed road reminds me of boyhood rambles up Cigar mountain – Sun boiling on edge of distant purple hill – In Hayfields at summit – Hasten to the Chestnuts – Sun just dipping below hill —

A hot day. Slight breeze - N.W. Sky a healthy opaque blue. Parched white clouds.

Dr. & Mrs. Noehren out for a visit – a short while before Bob Blair had arrived with three water-colors of Bill Rowe – Dr. Noehren said his  mother was interested in acquiring one of Rowe’s Saranac series & I had called Bob the day before to find out the whereabouts of R’s water-colors.

To the gallery – the summer show – a superb still life (acorn squash) by McFee. My own “Winter Rain from the East” pleases me. Letter from home, with snapshots which made me long more than ever to get back. 

A swift storm at Daybreak tho the day is stagnant and sultry – At evening the sun disappears early in the thickening west; massive white thunderheads appear — To Three Trees — song sparrows sing; an unknown songster that flies up & sings as he falls thru the air— trees jutting upwards in the heavy air—

There ought to be a love so natural that it does not hinder the artistic life – love should be merely one of the unconscious functions of life –