
In the night, it suddenly came to me that a picture of countless butterflies dancing in hot sunlight would be worthwhile.


To see, in the upturned face of a child directed toward oneself, a look of complete trust, liking and admiration is to me one of the finest and at the same time most disconcerting experiences. 

A calm clear blue sky – day – a few white clouds –

At 10:20 baby girl born. (The long ride to the hospital over bumpy roads in a Ford with Bertha in agony.) I missed the 11:30 bus to Gardenville and went out Seneca St. I missed the last car and walked over. A moonlight night. 

The power of full-blooded summer is here. In spite of the torrential rains, foliage has been already bronzed by the heat of the sun; the fresh virgin-like quality of June has all but disappeared.

Letter from M. St. George. She said they were holding my show over today as it was Dominion Day & they wanted Canadians to see it. She said a young water-colorist had been assigned to be my “handy-man” – !

A stagnant day – silver haze – smeary grey sky – My thoughts seem to flow along with the weather – With the night comes rain –