Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Heat Waves in a Swamp, 1948; watercolor on paper, 40 x 26 inches; Image courtesy of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation
Harald Bode (1909 - 1987), Page from notebook (detail), December 7, 1962; ink on paper; Courtesy of Harald Bode Archive
Stanton MacDonald-Wright , "Oriental" Synchromy in Blue-green, 1918; oil on canvas, 36 x 50 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase 52.8
Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Mid-June, 1917-1944; watercolor on paper mounted on Masonite, 36 x 48 inches, sheet, 41 ½ x 53 ½ x 1 3/8 inches, framed; Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York Charles W. Goodyear Fund, 1946 1946:1
Fotini Galanes , Elements from the installation Fotini Galanes: Drawing Surfaces, 2011; mixed media; Courtesy of the Artist
Carlo Nisita (1895-1990), Carnival - Fun House at the Fair, 1962; oil on panel, 29 3/8 x 48 inches; Private Collection
Rita Argen Auerbach (1933- ), Towering in the Night, 2008; watercolor on paper; Courtesy of the Artist
Steina Vasulka b. 1940, Borealis, 1993; 4 video projections on translucent screens, dimensions variable; Burchfield Penney Art Center, Museum Purchase
Arthur Dove (1880-1946), Fog Horns, 1929; oil on canvas, 18 x 26 inches; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Anonymous Gift, FA 1954.1