Gail McCarthy (1935-2023), Untitled, undated; wheel thrown, multiple-fired porcelain with gold luster, 10 ¾ inches high x 12-inch diameter; Burchfield Penney Art Center, Gift of Dr. Muriel and Mr. Albert Howard, 2009
Ben Perrone (b. 1933), Untitled, 2007; acrylic on paper, 36 1/4 x 24 7/8 inches; Gift of Dr. Eugene L. Gaier in memory of Esther and Jacob Gaier, 2009
Paul Sharits (1943-1993), Proto-Score, 1979; colored ink on graph paper, 14 7/16 x 20 7/8 inches; Gift of Meg Knowles, 2009
Francis J. Sipprell (1878-1958), Anna Carolina (Felton) Dakin, 1908; black and white photograph on paper, 5 7/16 x 3 1/16 inches; Gift of Emily Oprea, 2009
Evelyn Notman Underwood (1898 - 1983), From a Chinese Temple Garden, 1921; watercolor and ink on paper, 12 1/2 x 9 3/8 inches; Gift of Dorothea E. Underwood, 2009
Jacqueline Welch , Patron Saint of the Feng Shui Enthusiast, 2005; oil on feather board, 48 x 86 inches; Gift of the artist, 2009
Frank Fantauzzi, Anthony Dong, David Zielinski with David Willard, Burke Paterson, Shahin Vassigh and Julie Silver, building buffalo, 1999; bronze, wood and steel, 53 X 66 X 48 inches; Gift of the Artists, 2009
Kate Doody (b. 1978), Four Nests, 2007; flocking and plaster ceramic, 5 x 12 x 12 inches; Sylvia L. Rosen Endowment Purchase Award, 2009
Irwin Franco (b. 1948) , Burchfield Penney Art Center Belt Buckle, 2008-2009; sterling silver, 1 1/2 x 4 x 3/4 inches; Gift of the artist, 2009
Bethany Krull (b.1981), Contained, 2007; clay and mixed media, cocoons, glass jars, ash, steel, 72 x 60 x 14 inches; Gift of the artist, 2009