Polly Little , Bear Trap & Fur Traders, 2015; oil on canvas, ink on wood cut, 52 1/2 inches x 75 1/2 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Polly Little , Beliner Half Moon Bear, 2015; oil on canvas, 22 inches x 32 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Polly Little , Camel Break, 2014; oil on canvas, ink on wood cut, 46 1/2 inches x 75 1/2 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Polly Little , Mario; oil on canvas, 375 inches x 25 inches
Jody Hanson , Cyanotype Mandala; cyanotype, 15 inches x 15 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Jody Hanson , Radiant, 2013; salt, hawaiian salt, copper sulfate, chromium potassium sulfate, and aluminum potassium sulfate on paper, 18 inches x 14 1/2 inches; Image courtesy of the artist
Jody Hanson , Accord, 2013; oil on paper, 24 inches x 30 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Scotty Bye , Bye-Rhino Bot, 2010; found object, 60 inches x 24 inches x 24 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Scotty Bye , Osha, 2012; found object, 4 feet x 2 feet x 6 feet; Image courtesy of artist
Scotty Bye , Rushdocks III, 2012; cedar fences, 30 feet x 10 feet x 10 feet; Image courtesy of artist